Thursday, January 5, 2012

Understand meditation

meditation techniques for beginners

Meditation has often been given a bad rap. People sometimes think of meditation as some type of extreme behavior. Actually meditation is now becoming mainstream. Many doctors, scientists and therapists understand how meditation helps people overcome anxiety and stressand creates a more balanced life. 

Meditation is not hard to learn. To begin meditation start with controlled breathing. This technique will also be used to help you calm down and reduce stress during situations of high anxiety. There are various meditation techniques for beginnersthat you can learn.

It is important to understand meditation before you begin to undertake it. Meditation is not a hypnotic state. You will always be fully aware of your surroundings while meditating and it is completely safe to do. While in a meditative state you’ll be relaxing and calming the mind and body but you will still be in total control. There is no need to worry that you won’t be able to return from the meditative state.

Start your first meditation

Start meditation by setting aside 20 to 30 minutes. Find a location to meditate. The location should be quiet and calm. You will need to be undisturbed for the duration of your meditation with no distractions. The room should be comfortable so that you are not thinking about it.

Some people use a meditative pose that is commonly associated with meditation. Sitting cross-legged on the floor is a simple pose used for meditation. However you can sit or lay down in any position that is comfortable to you. The main thing to keep in mind when choosing a position is to find a pose that will be comfortable to you for the length of the session.

As you prepare for meditation you’ll need to create some personal space that is free from any technology or other distractions. During the meditation session you won’t be watching television, listening to music or texting. You’ll simply be using your own mind to remain calm and relaxed. Meditation works the best after you’ve done it a few or more times. As you learn to control your thought process you’ll

meditaton techniques

be able to reach a meditative state more easily. Most people have trouble reaching this state during the first several attempts so don’t worry if meditation seems to elude you. It will take some practice to bring the mind to this clear state.

To begin your meditation sit comfortably in your meditation room. Close your eyes and start controlled breathing techniques. Take slow deliberate breaths in and out in a rhythmic pattern. Then you can start to clear your mind. The goal is to stop all thoughts except those of the meditation itself. Some people like to repeat one word over and over to help clear the mind. Another technique that is helpful for those who only begin meditation is to use guided meditations. Guided meditations are pre-recorded meditations that you will listen to and follow along.

You may want to guide yourself though meditation. You can do this by talking yourself through the relaxation process through your entire body. This keeps your focus where it belongs and doesn’t allow the mind to wander.

If you find that your mind does begin to wander during meditation you’ll need to bring it back in focus. It is normal for the untrained mind to jump to many other thoughts as it is not used to calm relaxation. Each time your mind thinks of something else bring it back to focus on the meditation. Concentrating on your breathing is one way to help keep your mind clear.


Meditation gets easier and easier to do the more you do it. As you train your mind to relax it will simplify the meditation process. Continue to practice meditation even if you don’t feel its full effects. Soon you will be able to feel total relaxation and calm through meditation. Set aside time each week to meditate. Meditation will help to keep you centered and focused and will create a calm and peaceful life.

Watch this video – first impressions of Silva meditation

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques for well being.

You will find 2 totally different relaxation techniques on this page.

The first one is the basic technique that will help us create new reflexes in our body. When you practice it, you're taking a pause from the outer world for at least thirty minutes!

The second relaxation technique is for use in everyday life, each time you have a few minutes, during a pause from work for example, for general maintenance. I call it the monkey's dance.

Basic relaxation technique.

basic relaxation technique

My master used to say "comfort first!!!!!!!". Before you start this relaxation technique bring all that you need to feel comfortable, pillars, blanket, wear comfortable cloths, shut down the phone, and then lay down on your back. Organize yourself, you might want a small pillow under your head, one under your knees or cover yourself.

With a big exhale we let our body sink slowly to the ground, make small movements to check if whole the back side of your body is well in touch with the ground. Shoulders, head, back, spine and muscles, pelvis. Now we're ready!

In the basic relaxation technique we are going to use our mind and inner voice to relax our body. Therefore we will send intentions - using simple, precise key words and short phrases, pronounced with a calm and monochord voice - to our body. The rhythm of the work will be given by your breath. Send the keywords while you exhale.


The first key word is HEAVY, think HEAVY, While you scan your body, part after part, taking your time. Inhale slowly and gently (=with no effort), while you exhale think "HEAVY", Bring your attention to your feet, think "HEAVY", and feel how your feet become heavy and sink into the ground, move with your attention through your feet, skin, muscles, bones, from the toes to the heels, and think HEAVY. When your feet become so heavy that you feel there's no way to lift them up,

Move to the calves. Inhale slowly and gently (=with no effort), while you exhale think "HEAVY", Bring your attention to your calves, think "HEAVY", and feel how your calves become heavy and sink into the ground, walk with your attention through them, skin, muscles, bones, think "HEAVY". When your calves become so heavy that you feel there's no way to lift them up,

Move to the thighs. Inhale slowly and gently, while you exhale think HEAVY,....

Move your attention to your pelvis,....HEAVY

To the back, ......don't forget move allover your back: spine, ribs, muscles and skin, ............HEAVY..............




Head,............very HEAVY.....brain also HEAVY....

One more long exhale, think "MY BODY IS HEAVY", watch it sinking even more.


Now think "WARM". Look for a place in the body that feels the warmest, intent this local sensation to spread as far as

possible and fill the whole body. Imagine the sun warming you up.

Feet ...WARM.




Back and shoulders....WARM.

Arms and hands....WARM.




Listen to your heartbeat. Think "MY HEARTBEAT IS STRONG". It might take some time until you perceive it. Be patient and calm. Keep saying the key phrase until you hear and feel you heart.


Think "MY BREATH IS CALM AND SPONTANIOUS", and observe your breath as long as you feel like. Stay focused on your key phrase.


Think "TANTIEN" (hara, whatever, from now on we will call it TANTIEN), move your attention to your lower belly, about 2 cm under your navel, inside, wright in the middle, the center of your body.

Try to feel the place, look for small sensations, look for a presence. You might not feel anything the first time. If so, imagine a ball, the size of a golf ball but much heavier. Imagine this ball going up with your inhales and down with your exhales.

If you still don't feel it, laugh and you will feel it vibrate.


Think "MY FACE IS RELAXED", and slowly relax all the small face muscles, starting with the forehead becoming smooth, moving to the eyes, eyebrows and eye corners, the temples, the nose, cheeks falling down to the sides and pull the lips, who touch each other slightly with no effort, the jaws, the tongue is relaxed and touches the back of the upper teeth, relax the throat also, go inside to the vocal chords, relax it deeply. Listen carefully, notice that each time a thought comes up to your mind, something happens with your vocal chords, small micro movements or contractions, as if the body says your thought. Now intent relaxing the vocal chords totally, .....and,no more thought will come to your mind, no noise, silence......

Now be conscious of all your body, deeply relaxed. Enjoy this sensation of well being. Stay as long as you want, when you decide to come back, do it slowly, first stretch your arms and legs, your back, start breathing more deeply, only then turn on your side before you get up.

Hi, how do you feel now?

This was a basic relaxation technique, all the more advanced chi techniques we will learn in the future, will start with this relaxation.

This relaxation technique might be too long to begin with, I suggest you to divide the technique in six parts: HEAVY, WARM, HEART, BREATH, TANTIEN, FACE.

Do one of them everyday, and take a rest on the seventh day! Then again,do that for a few weeks, then do the whole technique.

Relaxation technique 2: The monkey's dance.

Our second relaxation technique is a funny one,

Standing up, with unlocked knees, rounded back, the upper part of the body relaxed. Start to make your body shake slightly with no effort, the movement comes from the heels, try to create an inner vibration that releases tensions, from different parts of the body: back, shoulders, arms, hands, face, brain....shake and release tensions.

Move you weight from one side to the other. Try different angles, each one will help you release a different area.

You can add voice if you feel like, "aaahh, aaaaahhhhh...aaaaaaahhhhh...aahh....ahhh...the sound comes out with no effort from the deepest parts of your body.

Imagine the body is full of water and feel how the vibrations move this water and make it flow easily. Try to hear the noise of the flowing water in the body, like "ploc, ploc, ploc....". Do it with joy, like a little kid!

These two relaxations techniques are a starting point on your way to enhance energy in your life. Good luck.